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Smart Solar Box Review

por Emily Jacob (2019-06-03)

Solar PV installations and feed Smart Solar Box in tariffs last for 25 years so its not unrealistic to expect them to stay in perfect working order. Would you run a car for 25 years and not expect to have maintenance bills or to have to check it? Things That Could Go Wrong The current popular method is to get the householder to submit Feed in tariff (FiT) readings to their electricity supplier once a quarter is hardly the best way forward to ensure efficiency and manage the investment. Each modern PV installation should be encouraged to use Smart meters. Smart meters will record the information and send this to the suppliers and give you real time information. There is even a Google app you can link to, to display your energy readings online. There are a host of advantages by choosing to use smart meters for feed in tariffs. Half hourly data is collected on a daily basis, not a single reading once a quarter. This gives detailed profile readings and graphing of energy usage patterns. One of the advantage of smart meters is they can be read remotely and are not dependent on the householder or business having to supply the readings. The solar PV installers can monitor the meter readings, which are very accurate and spot if a problem does arise and can act rather than spot it one or two months later. The investors which have helped fund the surge in solar panels renewable energy put onerous performance criteria on solar suppliers to ensure their investments are protected. Using smart meters is one way to ensure the panels are working at their maximum capacity. Collecting nationwide data to compare against could also help identify if there is an issue with the equipment or simply the output for the time period is deduced because of the day light hours or other weather conditions.
