Apertura. Revista de innovación educativa‏

Vol. 8, Núm. 2 / octubre 2016 – marzo 2017 / ISSN 2007-1094


ICTs in education: A meta-analysis on research and emerging fields in Mexico



Karen Michelle Olivares Carmona[1]

Joel Angulo Armenta[2]

Carlos Arturo Torres Gastelú[3]

Elva Margarita Madrid García[4]



The goal of this study was to comment, analyze and categorize in a descriptive way the generational lines and application of knowledge (GLAK) for various products of scientific research conducted in Mexico in relation to the integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to the educational process. The main objectives were: to identify the specific type of population the research would be directed to, to compare the types of population with the greater and lesser number of research studies made, to compare the GLAK with greater and lesser number of studies, and to identify emerging fields of investigation. The methodology considered inclusion criteria in order to select repositories and types of documents to be analyzed (a total of 470 research papers were selected). The GLAKs upon which the research studies were to be conducted were also defined. Within the results, we found that the education levels with the greater and lesser number of students with regard to higher education and preschool education, respectively. The main voids of knowledge were found in the management and quality areas of educational programs, as well as educational policies related to ICTs. The emerging fields of research were related to the education of older adults, indigenous populations, and students with special needs.


Keywords: Meta-analysis; scientific research; ICTs; virtual education.





The United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared that the integration of ICTs to the school context has originated several situations that need to be faced by educational institutions; the objective of this inclusion shall be oriented towards the improvement of the quality of education, which will reflect mainly on the learning of the students (2011). The UNESCO (2004) established some criteria to ensure that the use of ICTs is useful in schools; among them, the access to ICTs and internet on behalf of students and pupils, the accessibility to quality digital educational resources and competent professors in the pedagogical implementation of ICTs.


Through the last decade, the research in Mexico on education and technology has diversified and generated different works on the integration of ICTs to the educational process; therefore, this meta-analysis seeks to offer an overview on what has happened in the last ten years regarding educational research related to the ICTs in education at the different education levels in the country.





According to the results of the Population and Housing Census carried out by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI, 2015), Mexico has a population of 119,530,753 people, of which 35.2 million are registered as students in the basic education level, which represents 73.4% of the enrollment of the education system (Gobierno de la República, 2013). Regarding secondary and higher levels, education is provided to 4.4 million young people, and with regard to higher education there are 3.3. million students, which means a coverage of 29.2% (Government of the Republic, 2013), distributed among seven thousand establishments in the entire country (Secretaría de Educación Pública [SEP], 2013).


On the other hand, the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), applied in 2012, reveal that the enrollment in formal education increased for young people above fifteen years old, as well as their performance in mathematics and reading. However, 55% of the students did not achieve the level of basic skills in the mathematics test (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos [OCDE], 2014).


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU, 2013), responsible for the annual measuring of the development index of the ICTs (IDT), reported that Mexico obtained a grade of 3.78 (the IDT is pondered on a scale from 0 to 10) and it was ranked at a global level in the 82nd place in 2011, and in the 83rd place, with a score of 3.95, in 2012. For its part, the World Bank reported in 2011 that Mexico allocated 0.43% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to science and technology, unlike other countries with more investment in this area, among those, Japan and Iceland, with 3.39 and 2.6%, respectively.


Even though the percentage of illiteracy in the country went down and the coverage of basic education increased (SEP, 2013), investments in science and technology are scarce and the country is lagging with regard to the IDT indicators (ITU, 2013). Nevertheless, different institutions of the country have promoted research projects related to the integration of ICTs to the education process in order to promote significant advances that allow contribution to the elevation of the educational quality in the different sectors of the population.





The general objective of this study was to carry out a meta-analysis that categorizes in generational lines and application of knowledge (GLAK) of diverse research scientific products that pertain the integration of ICTs to the education and formation process that have been carried out in Mexico.


The specific objectives were to: identify the type of population to which the investigations are aimed; compare the types of population with most and least number of investigations; compare the GLAK that have more and fewer studies; and identify populations and emerging lines of research.





First of all, we determined what types of documents would be collected and which would be the sources; we opted for magazine articles, postgraduate theses (master’s or doctorate), and presentations in national and international well-known congresses. The repositories selected and their electronic addresses can be found in Table 1.


Table 1. Selection of repositories for the search of information.

Type of document


Electronic address

Magazine articles

Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa



Revista Apertura de la Universidad de Guadalajara

http://www.udgvirtual.udg.mx/ apertura/index.php/apertura/issue/archive


Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo



Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje



Congress Presentations

Congreso Mexicano de Investigación Educativa (COMIE)



International Congress of Education and Innovation of Learning Technologies


Postgraduate Thesis

Thesis Repository of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)



The criteria to select the repositories were the following: a) that the publications or institutions were renown at a national and international level; b) that the authors of the researches represent different institutions in the country; and c) in the case of magazines, that they are indexed in databases. Furthermore, in order to select the magazine articles, we took into consideration the following inclusion criteria: investigations by Mexican or foreign authors carried out in Mexico, published between 2004 and 2016, and classified as investigation, research or thematic presentation, contribution to a discussion or a methodological review.


Regarding the congress records, we considered the presentations on finished investigations, educational innovation projects and innovative practices. We analyzed the publications of the higher education areas, science and technology, and virtual learning environments for the COMIE, as well as technologies for education, education management and innovation, academic innovation in health and educational tendencies for the International Congress of Education and Innovation—a congress organized by the Tecnológico de Monterrey. Furthermore, we looked for Mexican or foreign authors that had carried out their research in the country and whose paper had the following elements: information of the author, institution to which they belong, summary and methodology.


Regarding the theses, we choose the repository of the UNAM, as it is considered one of the main Mexican universities, where scientist from all around the country study and do research (UNAM, 2014).


Once the repositories were selected, we delimited the GLAK that would be used for the classification and analysis of the information. The choice took as reference the research areas proposed by the COMIE and we integrated the GLAK considered in the inter-institutional doctorate program in Systems and Educational Environments, quality postgraduate supported by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (Conacyt) which is offered in the following institutions: Universidad Veracruzana, Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla and Humboldt International University (Florida, United States).


We established 16 specific GLAK in total: Innovative processes in higher education and knowledge society; policies for the instrumentation and equipment of ICTs in educational environments; analysis on the use of ICTs in the educational process; educational innovation in the differentiated or emerging learning environments; contribution of the spaces and virtual learning resources; analysis on the influence of the use of the internet in the educational processes that make use of technology; studies on the phenomenon of educational virtualization; open educational movement; training on digital competencies; knowledge and learning networks; models and educational environments; management and quality of the education programs; multimedia and educational development; educational policy and social change; and general line, to which the non-classified documents were integrated in some of the other fifteen areas.


Subsequently, we proceeded to collect the information necessary to develop the research. Regarding the area of the articles, we consulted the electronic version of the Revista Mexicana de Investigación Educativa, from volume IX (2004) to XIX (2014); 16 numbers of the magazine Apertura (2009-2016); 21 numbers of the Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologías del Aprendizaje (2006-2016); and 12 numbers of the Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación (2010-2016), affiliated to the Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones para el Desarrollo Docente, an organization that is supported by the Conacyt.


Regarding the presentations, we reviewed the electronic records of the COMIE in its IX (2007), X (2009), XI (2011) and XII (2013) editions. The record of the 2005 congress could not be obtained, so we omitted it. With regard to the International Congress of Education and Innovation, we examined 534 presentations, published in two volumes (2014-2015), among which we selected the documents that complied with the aforementioned inclusion criteria.


For the collection of postgraduate theses, the search was oriented towards the following keywords: education, ICTs, technology, innovation, educational innovation, multimedia, virtual learning environments and educational software.


·      Finally, we proceeded to specify the categories to identify the type of population to which the researches were aimed, which were categorized in the following manner:

·      Preschool. It comprises the years of school prior to elementary school; it can vary from one to three years of study. Children, in general, study this level between three and six years of age. In Mexico, the third year of preschool is obligatory since the 2004-2005 school cycle (Rulings of the constitutional united commissions and those pertaining to public education and educational services. Gaceta Parlamentaria, 2001).

·      Primary school. Comprises the six years following preschool. The average age in which children go through this stage goes from five to twelve years of age.

·      Secondary school. Comprises the three years following primary school; it is the last level of basic education.

·      Basic. It is comprised by the levels of preschool, primary and secondary school. Some of the studies from the analysis mention that the research was carried out with regard to basic education without specifying the level.

·      High school. Also known as upper secondary education, comprises three years of study before university; it includes technological establishments.

·      High school and higher education. Some investigations were aimed towards a mixed population that comprised students of upper secondary education and higher education.

·      Higher education. The higher level is the one known as university; in some places it is also called undergraduate studies; it includes technological institutions and training schools.

·      Professors. Investigations oriented towards the analysis of different phenomena associated with the teaching practice, independently of the level of education in which the professors exercise their duties.

·      Postgraduate. The formal studies that occur after university. For the analysis of this research, we considered postgraduate studies as those pertaining to master’s and doctorates.

·      Higher and postgraduate. Mixed category that we added when finding investigations aimed towards university and postgraduate students.

·      Adults. This category includes those studies where the level of education is not specified, but which explain that the work was carried out with an adult population.

·      Not specified. Documents that contain general information without specifying a level of education or specific actors.

·      Emerging. Investigations that we considered as a type of emerging population to work with regard to ICTs and education; for example, older adults and indigenous populations.





In order to find out the reality of Mexico with regard to the investigations related to the inclusion of ICTs in the education field during the period of 2004-2016, we analyzed a total of 470 documents, among which 160 pertained to magazine articles (34.04%), 282 to congress presentations (60.0%), and 28 to postgraduate theses (5.96%). Table 2 shows the results by population and Table 3 shows those related to the GLAK.


Table 2. Results on the quality of investigations in Mexico regarding ICTs and education by the types of populations to which they are aimed.


Number of documents found














Upper secondary



Upper secondary and higher









Higher and postgraduate



















As it can be observed, in Mexico, investigations aimed towards higher education (50.21%, i.e., more than half of the studies) were predominant; followed by those related to general basic education (preschool to secondary; 11.28%), upper secondary level (10.43%), and the teaching population (9.15%). We also identified a lack of investigations focused on the preschool and adult levels in general, as well as investigations aimed towards mixed populations, i.e., high school-university and higher-postgraduate.


We found emerging populations to be those that were oriented towards digital community centers (Flores, López and De la Torre, 2009), older adults (Aldana and García, 2011; Ramírez, 2015; Sevilla, 2015), adults in rural communities (Salina, Huerta, Porras, Amador and Ramos, 2006), indigenous populations (Jiménez and Gutíerrez, 2010; López, Rosales and Simón, 2015), students with special education needs (Aquino, García and Izquierdo, 2014; Aquino, Izquierdo, García and Valdés, 2016; Camacho and Varela, 2011; Caro, Nevárez, Ayala, Gastélum and Covarrubias, 2015; Rodríguez, Covarrubias and Ayala, 2015; Román, 2015) and studies focused on the community of researchers (Mortera-Guíterrez, 2011; Torres, Cárdenas, Dodero and Juárez, 2010).


Table 3. Results on the amount of investigations in Mexico regarding ICTs and education in relation to the GLAK based on which the research is carried out.


Number of documents


Higher education and knowledge society: innovative processes



Policies for the instrumentation and equipping of ICTs in educational spaces



Analysis on the use of ICTs in the educational process



Education innovation in differentiated or emerging learning environments



The contribution of virtual learning spaces and resources



Analysis on the influence of the use of internet in the educational processes



Studies on the levels, models and modalities of education with the use of technology



Studies on the phenomenon of the virtualization of education



Open education movement



Training on digital competencies



Knowledge and learning networks



Models and educational environments



Management and quality of the education programs



Multimedia and educational development



Educational policy and social change



General line







We observed that the documents related to the analysis on the use of ICTs in the educational process (75 documents) and those that refer to the contribution of learning the spaces and virtual resources (74 documents) stand out. In the first line we found investigations on the inclusion of ICTs in secondary education (Cedillo, 2006; Porras, López and Huerta, 2010) or in the formation of professors and students (Aragón, 2011; Arias, 2011; Ávila, 2009; Breceda and Eudave, 2013; Caporal, 2009; Correa, 2012; De los Santos, 2013; García, Corrales and Maldonado, 2013; Hernández, Sánchez, Rodríguez, Caballero and Martínez, 2014; Javier and Ricoy, 2013; López, 2007; López, Flores and Espinoza, 2011; Miranda, 2009; Rodríguez, 2011; Rosas, 2013; Treviño and Morales, 2007; Ugarte, 2008). On the other hand, regarding the contribution of the virtual learning spaces and resources, we identified investigations that have to do with learning objects and virtual platforms and environments (Contreras, Herrera and Ramírez, 2009; García, Ramos and Ramírez, 2009; González, 2014; Hernández, 2007; Ramos, Herrera and Ramírez, 2009; Tirado, 2007; Velasco, Bojórquez and Armenta, 2009).


Likewise, there are studies on the innovative processes on higher education and knowledge society (54 documents), and multimedia and educational development (49 documents). Regarding innovative processes, there are studies related to models and innovations in order to exercise teaching in virtual environments (Olea and Garduño, 2011; Chávez, 2011), the design of tutorials or smart systems (Rodríguez, Castillo and Lira, 2013; Salazar, García, Balderrama and Rodríguez, 2016 ), and the development of software or applications to include in the learning processes the use of smartphones, augmented reality, inverted classroom or gamification (Flores, Camarena and Ávalos, 2014; García, Valdovinos, Salgado, Alejo y Muñoz, 2014; Heredia, 2014; Medina, Jaques, and Noguez, 2014; Hinojosa and Rodríguez, 2015; Organista-Sandoval, McAnally-Salas y Lavigne, 2013; Rincón, 2015; Rodríguez, 2014; Tenorio, 2014). In the line of multimedia and educational development, studies in the use of educational software at different levels (Álvarez, 2011; Catalán, Serrano and Concari, 2010; Flores, Otero and Lavallée, 2010; López, Illanes and Domínguez, 2013; Otero, 2011; Portillo, 2013; Quiroz, 2012; Ramírez, 2005) and those related to the use of multimedia resources and their integration to the educational process, stand out (Fernández, 2013; Gasca, 2008; Muñoz, 2007; Pérez, 2007; Portillo, 2013; Rodríguez, 2012; Villaseñor, 2007) .


The last lines that stood out due to their number of investigations were the knowledge and learning networks, and that of the studies on the phenomenon of the virtualization of education (39 and 38 documents, respectively). In the first of these, we found studies on the use of forums (García and Pineda, 2010), virtual learning communities (Bautista and Sánchez, 2009), the use of social networks in the educational process (Cuautle, 2011; Medina, Romero and González, 2011), and on the interaction of professors with students through different platforms, online or face to face education with the support of technology (Bautista and Sánchez, 2009; Carvajal, 2011; Casa, 2011; Fernández, 2011; Sotelo and Juárez, 2009; Torres and García, 2007; Trejo and Celis, 2011; Vasconcelos, 2011). Regarding the studies on the phenomenon of virtual education, we identified investigations related to the management processes, with perception and with evaluations and effectiveness in virtual programs or with distance learning (García and Aquino, 2010; García, Hernández, Santos and Fabila, 2009; Pioquinto, Noguez, Jaquez and Neri, 2014; López, Lozano and Rodríguez, 2015; Ramos, 2015; Rivera, Rivera and Campos, 2010; Vázquez, 2014; Yáñez, Rodríguez and Briones, 2011). The rest of the lines had an inferior percentage, which oscillated between 6.17 (models and educational environments) and 0.21 (management and quality of the educational programs).


In this analysis we identified as emerging research topics those that refer to digital community centers (Flores, López and De la Torre, 2009); to the use of ICTs to stimulate cognitive processes (Aldana and García, 2011); to the meaningful use of technology in a rural environment for the education of adults (salinas, Huerta, Porras, Amador and Ramos, 2006); to the development of intelligent tutors, platforms, software and mobile applications (Organista-Sandoval et al., 2013; Palmero and González, 2015; Rodríguez, Castillo and Lira, 2013; Salazar et al., 2016; Santiago, Quezada and Delgado, 2014); and to the use of virtual reality, third dimensions and videogames (gamification) as well as strategies to favor learning (Flores et al., 2014; García et al., 2014; Rodríguez, 2014; Romero and Lankenau, 2015; Ruíz and Ríos, 2014).





According to the results that were analyzed, the development that has originated in Mexico in the last decade with regard to the investigation on the integration of ICTs in education, has been exponentially addressed. Having made the previous observation, there have been some recent contributions (Edel and Navarro, 2015) on the meta-analysis of virtual learning environments for the period of 2002-2011 that, through the Asociación Nacional de Universidades e Instituciones de Educación Superior, have formed a group of researchers from national universities. This progress can be observed in the diversity of the GLAK on which national and foreign researches are doing their works. Despite the advances, there is still a long way to go, as there is some lag in some sectors of the school population, such is the case of basic education, especially for preschool, where there is a significant lack of studies.


A large part of investigations is oriented towards higher and adult education, from which the question arises of why the investigators prefer to aim their efforts at this sector. Some hypotheses derive from this, for example, the consideration that the majority of people devoted to investigation work in higher education establishments; this makes it more accessible to work with adult people or because universities are the most accessible institutions for investigators. These, however, are items left for future studies.


From the results obtained we also conclude that there are some emerging research areas that are underserved, areas which have emerged due to specific needs, such as older adults or habitants of rural communities. This situation highlights the dynamism that the research process in Mexico has taken, as new means to bring solutions to the problems presented by different sectors of the population are being explored.


Finally, the contrast between the GLAK on which the investigation and some voids of knowledge are based on stands out. On the one hand, an important portion of the studies is related to the analysis of the use of ICTs in the educational process—what are the contributions offered by the virtual learning resources and environments and topics that relate to multimedia and educational development. On the other, we point out the need for more research to be done on the management and quality of educational programs, the virtualization of education, levels, models and modalities of education mediated with technology, and studies referring to educational policies and social change.


The advances achieved in the last decade in the country are significant, but there are also big future challenges for the investigative community, before which a broad range of opportunities arises for exploration, with innovative aspects that need to be researched and traditional or emerging populations that demand their attention.


Future works on this object of study should comment, analyze and categorize information related to the production of graduate and postgraduate theses; the creation of scientific forums (congress records); the production based on information from articles; the analysis of free-access articles; and the bibliographic creation of print and digital books.





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Received: 10/03/2016

Published: 07/06/2016


[1] Candidate for a PhD in Educational Systems and Environments. Professor in the Department of Psychology of the Instituto Tecnológico of Sonora, Mexico.

[2] PhD in Education. Research professor of the Department of Education of the Instituto Tecnológico of Sonora, Mexico.

[3] PhD in Administration Sciences. Research professor of the Faculty of Administration of the Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.

[4] Candidate for a PhD in Educational Systems and Environments. Professor of the Department of Education of the Universidad Tecnológica del Sur de Sonora, Mexico.

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Apertura vol. 16, núm. 1, abril - septiembre 2024, es una revista científica especializada en innovación educativa en ambientes virtuales que se publica de manera semestral por la Universidad de Guadalajara, a través de la Coordinación de Recursos Informativos del Sistema de Universidad Virtual. Oficinas en Av. La Paz 2453, colonia Arcos Sur, CP 44140, Guadalajara, Jalisco, México. Tel.: 3268-8888, ext. 18775, www.udgvirtual.udg.mx/apertura, apertura@udgvirtual.udg.mx. Editor responsable: Alicia Zúñiga Llamas. Número de la Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo del Título de la versión electrónica: 04-2009-080712102200-203, e-ISSN: 2007-1094; número de la Reserva de Derechos al Uso Exclusivo del Título de la versión impresa: 04-2009-121512273300-102, ISSN: 1665-6180, otorgados por el Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. Número de Licitud de Título: 13449 y número de Licitud de contenido: 11022 de la versión impresa, ambos otorgados por la Comisión Calificadora de Publicaciones y Revistas Ilustradas de la Secretaría de Gobernación. Responsable de la última actualización de este número: Sergio Alberto Mendoza Hernández. Fecha de última actualización: 22 de marzo de 2024.